Thursday, December 11, 2014

4 Months old

Brooklyn is 4 months old!  She looked so cute in her Christmas jammies so I figured they would be perfect for her picture.  She is such a joy in our lives, we can't get enough!  One fun thing she learned to do, that I may regret later that I taught her, is sticking her tongue out and making noise with it.  I do it to her, and she laughs and does it back!  She surprised me when she did it back, I didn't think she could.  She has also started teething a little.  It's just the very beginning so she doesn't seem to be in too much pain.  She got her 4 month shots, and didn't even cry for one of them...the other she cried for maybe 5 seconds.  She got that from Dad, that's for sure.

 Her onesie says, "I am what my family is thankful for this year."  So cute!

some Christmas pictures

The sticker says,"I rolled over today."


 Her first Thanksgiving!  (She fell asleep on the couch)

Monday, December 8, 2014


We decided to dedicate our beautiful daughter to the Lord on December 7, 2014.  It was a great ceremony, and a great way for us to make a public commitment to raise her in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.  He has been so good to us by blessing us with her, we will continue to pray and strive to raise her responsibly and in His love.

She got some nice things from the pastor including a letter, certificate of dedication, New Testament Bible, Lullaby CD and the printed meaning of her name.

 She started to get the pouty lip after a while

Friday, November 14, 2014

3 months

A little late this month, but here it is!  Brooke is doing great, I don't have specifics on weight or anything because she doesn't have a doctor's appointment this month.  She is growing so much!  We love seeing her personality show through more and more every day.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New bed

We set a goal for Brooklyn to be sleeping in her room by two months. We put her in at about 2 months and 1 week.  The first night, she wasn't tired when we put her down so it was difficult at first, but went well.  It has been a few nights, and she is doing very well.  She loves her crib and loves her fishy noise machine that plays music and has little fish that move around. She has been sleeping up to five hours at a time, and today she slept in until 7:30 which was so great for mommy! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

2 months!

Brooklyn is doing great at two months!  She is a very happy baby, and talks to us all day in her baby talk!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

One Month!

On Tuesday, Brooklyn turned 1 month old!   This month seemed to fly by.  She changes so much from week to week, it is fun to watch her develop new characteristics and habits.  She now is so alert and will focus on things, which she couldn't do a couple weeks ago.  She is able to lift her head on her own, which doesn't seem like much but is actually a great feat for her age.  She is so expressive with her hands and face, and is starting to coo a lot.  It's funny and amazing how your priorities change so much with your first baby.  It is so fun for Chris and I to just watch her, and we could watch her for an hour and be totally entertained.  In fact, we just look like weirdos sitting at Starbucks, staring at a baby that isn't doing much, but we can't take our eyes off of her!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Coming soon

We are at 33 weeks now...I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone, and we are so excited that August is just a short time away!  There have been a few appointments since the last post.  I took the glucose test and it came back slightly higher than normal, so I had to fast and go back for the 3 - hour test which was my worst nightmare, but I would say it went well.  I had to have blood drawn 4 times in 3 hours after fasting and drinking a very disgusting glucose drink (which tastes similar to cough syrup).  Any ladies who have gone for the glucose test can relate, it is not fun.  A few days later I got a call that it came back normal, we were so relieved.

We went to California recently to celebrate Chris' birthday and have our baby shower with our Cali family.  It was such a fun day!! We had a jack and jill party, and it was actually a lot of fun to have the guys there to play the games with (tinkle in the cup was my all-time favorite game to watch them do).  It was also really great to have Chris there to join in the festivities and open presents.  It was just a fun day, and we got a lot of great things to get ready for baby.  Thank you to my mom and sisters who planned and prepared for so long!

At Newport Beach
I was so excited for someone to get ME a cake!
Fruit baby!

33 Weeks she is the size of a pineapple

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

27 Weeks

Life has been a bit crazy the last month or so. We went to my sissy's graduation and my brother's wedding!  So happy for Randi to be done with school and for Jessica to officially join our family.

Their first dance

We also got to meet our little nephew Zane, who is just adorable.

 Our doctor visit last month was uneventful, consisting of a blood pressure check and listening to the heartbeat.  The most recent appointment was yesterday and it was my glucose test and 3D ultrasound.  I was only able to eat sparingly so it was a pretty awful day waiting to get my blood drawn.  We won't know immediately if I passed, so we're just praying that I did.  I really don't want to go back for an even longer, more bloody test.

The ultrasound was pretty cool, but she moved around so much during the test it was hard to get a good picture of her.  We did, however, get to see what she is able to do now and it was so exciting!  She tapped her foot, in time, just like daddy does.

At 27 weeks she is the size of a cauliflower