Thursday, December 11, 2014

4 Months old

Brooklyn is 4 months old!  She looked so cute in her Christmas jammies so I figured they would be perfect for her picture.  She is such a joy in our lives, we can't get enough!  One fun thing she learned to do, that I may regret later that I taught her, is sticking her tongue out and making noise with it.  I do it to her, and she laughs and does it back!  She surprised me when she did it back, I didn't think she could.  She has also started teething a little.  It's just the very beginning so she doesn't seem to be in too much pain.  She got her 4 month shots, and didn't even cry for one of them...the other she cried for maybe 5 seconds.  She got that from Dad, that's for sure.

 Her onesie says, "I am what my family is thankful for this year."  So cute!

some Christmas pictures

The sticker says,"I rolled over today."


 Her first Thanksgiving!  (She fell asleep on the couch)

Monday, December 8, 2014


We decided to dedicate our beautiful daughter to the Lord on December 7, 2014.  It was a great ceremony, and a great way for us to make a public commitment to raise her in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.  He has been so good to us by blessing us with her, we will continue to pray and strive to raise her responsibly and in His love.

She got some nice things from the pastor including a letter, certificate of dedication, New Testament Bible, Lullaby CD and the printed meaning of her name.

 She started to get the pouty lip after a while