Wednesday, April 2, 2014

20 weeks!

Well, we are half-way there and I think I have officially popped-out (see below).  We went to our appointment on March 19th and found out that it was still a girl, lol.  We were definitely apprehensive because we found out the sex at 14 weeks, and we have heard many stories from people who found out  just as early and later on found out that it was not what was originally said.  We are glad to find out it is still, in fact, a girl.  They measured all the bones, and looked at her heart, lungs, and brain - she is perfectly healthy, yay!

We decided on a nursery theme, and have painted the base coat with the help of family.   Hopefully I will get to the mural soon...  and we already have a crib, dresser and carseat!  Things are moving along. 

Last week was banana week!

Last week Chris was able to feel her kick for the first time!  I have been able to feel her for a few weeks, which feels like butterflies (or indigestion, haha).  It was exciting to have him be able to feel her, too. Since then she has been very active and I will feel her kicking for hours.  Stay tuned for more details on our baby girl.