Monday, September 26, 2016

Brooklyn turns 2!

I just realized I never showed any pictures of her birthday!  It was a great time!  We had it at Mimi's house, and the family that lives in California was there and Nana and Taylor came as well!  It was a really fun time.

opening the presents she got from Lauren and Mommy and Daddy

Toy Story themed food for her party

She LOVES playing in balloons so it was a necessity to have them there.  We also had a bubble machine but I don't seem to have a picture. She loved the bubbles so much too.

Opening Woody, one of her favorites

The water balloons ended up being a flop, they leaked before we got to them.  But she got to throw a few and she really enjoyed it.

For her actual birthday she had confetti pancakes and we made a trip to Sprinkles, a cupcake shop, where she got a banana cupcake.

visiting with Lannie and Pat and Nana.

Kissing cousin Sadie.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

15 weeks

At this point (which was actually 3 weeks ago) we had heard the baby's heartbeat and had an ultrasound.  We weren't supposed to have one but I begged for one (at 8 weeks) because I was having dreams about having twins and I needed some confirmation!  I have not had any unusual symptoms in the second trimester, which is fine with me.

I was able to feel the baby kick at 12 1/2 weeks which is much earlier than with Brooklyn.  I felt her around 18 I believe.  It's typical to feel them sooner with the second baby.  It was on Brooklyn's birthday which was a fun surprise!

For those of you who are wondering, we are not finding out what the baby is.  We would like to know but would also like to be surprised at the birth.  We will see how long we stick with this thought, lol.

10 weeks

I was 10 weeks around August 25th, I just haven't gotten to update until the blog until now!  
In the first trimester I was blessed to not have morning sickness, again, yay!  I did have some food aversions, but that lasted about 2 weeks.  I just couldn't stand the smell of some foods, and it changed daily.  It did not last long, and that was the worst thing about the first trimester.  It is nothing in comparison to what others go through, I feel very lucky. 

First ultrasound of baby Holtzem

We're growing by two feet

Now that it's out in the open, I can officially write "we're expecting!".   We are overjoyed!  It was just a short two months after deciding we were ready for number two, and God sure did answer our prayers.  I found out on Chris' birthday and kept it to myself until Father's Day so I could tell him in gift form.  Although he was aware we were trying, he was actually very shocked.  Probably because it was so soon after we talked about it.  At the time, baby was the size of an apple seed, so I put an actual apple seed in a ring box and wrote "This is the size of our baby".  He was very excited, and I thought it was a fun way to tell him as well.

Stay tuned for baby bump pictures!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Summer fun

Fist-bumping cousin Sadie

We got matching aprons from Daddy!

Exhausted and resting at the hotel on the way to Utah 

Visiting Matt and Melanie!

She loved walking the dogs!

During our hike we saw a few car wrecks that had been there for years, and we free climbed next to a waterfall!

Talking to Mom on his birthday

Oreo cake with peanut butter frosting

At the aquarium

being silly

Dad reading Mom's first book, Brooklyn loved it!

Ugly tie contest at church on Father's Day

Morning snuggles

We made his "ugly tie" to wear to church

Dancing at the 4th of July celebration