Thursday, August 13, 2015

Houston, we have a one year old

As this day approached, we almost felt like we were supposed to be sad.  Sad that the year has flown by, that she is no longer considered a baby, and that she has changed so much.  I know Chris and I both felt at least a little sad, but we really weren't.  It makes us so happy looking back on this year.  We love all the memories from the year, and seeing all of her firsts.  We can't possibly be sad, because we can't wait to see how she continues to grow and change.  We will miss her as a baby, but love seeing this little thing that is half of mommy and half of daddy, grow to be her own little person.  God has blessed us big time, and we are so thankful.  Thank you to our family and friends who helped make these great memories!

Here are some pictures from her birthday, and of the new playroom for Brooklyn.

I wish the color wasn't so weird for this picture, but the lighting was horrible.

Brooklyn opened presents and had a toy with a squeaker that Calypso loved.

Her new stool that she loves to stand on.

She cried at the cake first.  

After a while she decided to eat...and had a pretty good chunk taken out.

A present from Mom and Dad is a new playroom that she loves!

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